Mersin-Adana-Osmaniye Regional Dealer
More than 50
We Sell and Distribute Fresh Products to 7 Million Populations in 3 Different Regions with our Special Refrigerated Vehicles Equipped with the Latest Technology, Wide Distribution Network and Strong Staff.
Enhanced Food Safety
Our quality-controlled products are stored in our cold room, where humidity and temperature controls are carried out, according to the first-in, first-out rule.
The Same Excitement Continues...
We continue our goal of delivering the healthiest, highest quality, most natural and freshest products to you, our valued consumers, through innovative solutions, with the same excitement as on the first day we were established.
A Sustainable World is Possible
In our world where resources are decreasing day by day, ensuring ecological, economic and social sustainability is our biggest promise to our children, who are our future.

Mersin-Adana-Osmaniye Regional Dealer

Who are we?
Beypiliç Mersin-Adana-Osmaniye Regional Dealer Sonmezler Food
We sell and distribute fresh products to a population of 7 million with our wide distribution network, strong staff and self-owned vehicles.

Everything from Production to the Consumer - Under Our Control
It is important for us that our chicken meat reaches consumers in a healthy manner. Our specially packaged products are delivered to sales points with our refrigerated vehicles under the most favorable conditions, without disrupting the cold chain.
Brands We Sell and Distribute

Beypilic's giant facilities...

To your dinner tables
We deliver the healthiest, highest quality, most natural and freshest products.
Organizations We Are Members of and Our Quality Certificates

Full of Success
Years of Experience
Beypilic Products
Regional Dealership
Equipped with the Latest Technology
Self-Owned Vehicle
Fresh Produce for Million Population